- Dragonvale Dragon Breeding Combinations Cheats
- Macenstein Dragonvale Breeding Guide
- Dragonvale Dragon Breeding Combinations Pokemon
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The Yanghis dragon has been added to Dragonvale and is available for the next 7 days. Let's look at the different ways of trying for one.
Starshine + Flicker
Yanghis is an Ornamental dragon, and has 2 other Ornamental dragons as a specific breeding pair. When breeding with Flicker it adds Plant, Fire, Earth & Cold elements. Starshine adds those 4 elements + Air. There are a lot of possible outcomes when breeding this pair together, to try for a 2% chance of breeding Yanghis.
With over 164.75% of set breeding percentages, there will be no regular hybrids, and the set % lower. Yanghis 2% drops to 1.21% and we have an average fail time of 14.21 hours. 57 attempts required to get a 50% chance of breeding one, which would take over a month. You have just over 13% chance of breeding one if you went non-stop all week
Yanghis has a 4% chance of Cloning it when pairing another dragon with one in the Cooperative Breeding Cave. It adds Fire, Earth, Cold and Air, and the dragon with the shortest breeding time with those combinations is the Sandstorm, at 2 hours.
The 4 elements mean you have a chance of Rainbow and Double Rainbow, and the combination of Fire, Cold & Air also add the Snowy Olympus dragons in the mix. It puts the set % total at exactly 100%, so there should be no regular dragons available. This will be a good test for this breeding theory. So if anyone breeds a regular hybrid, I would certainly like to hear about it.
- DragonVale World is the second game in the DragonVale series, and like the first, you can breed all kinds of dragons in this game. There is a nearly limitless variety of these dragons, but it's possible to get all of them and load up your island with them.
- Dragonvale breading COMBINATIONS. Abyss Dragon INCUBATION TIME: 7.5 Hours BUY-IT Price: 750 GEMS. A site about Dragonvale and how to breed dragons.
Mastering Dragonvale: A complete guide on tips, strategies & breeding the rarest dragons (Master Anything Guides) - Kindle edition by Books, Rico, Guide, Dragonvale. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets.
Just over 15 hours average fail time, and the 17 attempts required for a 50/50 chance. This means 10.66 days required for an even money chance to clone one. You will have 12 attempts without spending gems to speed up a breed, which would give you a 38% chance of getting one in the week available. Hopefully that 9% instance of Sandstorm dragons will allow for some speed ups, for more attempts, and a better chance of a Yanghis in the CBC. After effects vs lightroom.
Other Cloning Options
Just to check, I looked at the increased chance of using a Regular dragon with the lowest breed time. In this case I used Blazing.
It drops the average fail time by over 10 minutes, but the increase in set % actually drops the chance of cloning a Yanghis from 4% to 3.77%. It in increases the attempts required for a 50/50 chance by 2, and therefore the breed time for an even money chance to 11.77 days. You will also lose half the fails that are the 2 hour Sandstorm, so speeding up fails will be more expensive.
Yanghis + Sandstorm is the cloning recommendation, and your best chance to get one.
Good luck.
Opposites can't breed!
In our DragonVale coverage, we focus a lot on Limited dragons – and Limiteds should always be your first priority. However, if you are chasing the 'Every Last One' Achievement you are going to need to make your way around to breeding opposite hybrids. There are also Goals for breeding Blue Fire and Sandstorm, and aside from Epics some of the opposite hybrids are among the best DragonCash earners. So there are plenty of reasons to want one, there is just one problem – opposite elements can't breed!
Fastest Combinations
The trick is, you'll need to breed other hybrids to create opposite hybrids – since the basic dragons can not be bred. Consistent with our philosophy on providing the fastest breeding combinations to hatch each dragon, below is a summary of each Opposite Hybrid and the fastest combination to obtain it.
Frostfire Dragon
Midi player with piano display. Fastest Breeding Pair: Cold + (Flower OR Poison)
Breeding Time: 12 hours or 9 hours 36 min (with upgrade)
Type: Cold, Fire
Bt address generator. Blue Fire Dragon
Fastest Breeding Pair: Fire + Lichen
Dragonvale Dragon Breeding Combinations Cheats
Breeding Time: 12 hours or 9 hours 36 min (with upgrade)
Type: Fire, Cold
Ironwood Dragon
Fastest Breeding Pair: Plant + Chrome
Breeding Time: 12 hours or 9 hours 36 min (with upgrade)
Type: Plant, Metal
Malachite Dragon
Fastest Breeding Pair: Metal + Willow
Breeding Time: 12 hours or 9 hours 36 min (with upgrade)
Type: Metal, Plant
Type: Cold, Fire
Bt address generator. Blue Fire Dragon
Fastest Breeding Pair: Fire + Lichen
Dragonvale Dragon Breeding Combinations Cheats
Breeding Time: 12 hours or 9 hours 36 min (with upgrade)
Type: Fire, Cold
Ironwood Dragon
Fastest Breeding Pair: Plant + Chrome
Breeding Time: 12 hours or 9 hours 36 min (with upgrade)
Type: Plant, Metal
Malachite Dragon
Fastest Breeding Pair: Metal + Willow
Breeding Time: 12 hours or 9 hours 36 min (with upgrade)
Type: Metal, Plant
Dodo Dragon
Fastest Breeding Pair: Earth + Fog
Breeding Time: 16 hours or 12 hours 48min (with upgrade)
Type: Earth, Air
Sandstorm Dragon
Fastest Breeding Pair: Air + Mud
Breeding Time: 2 hours or 1 hours 36 min (with upgrade)
Type: Air, Earth
Current Dragon
Fastest Breeding Pair: Water + (Firefly OR Scorch)
Macenstein Dragonvale Breeding Guide
Breeding Time: 16 hours or 12 hours 48 min (with upgrade)
Type: Water, Lightning
Plasma Dragon
Fastest Breeding Pair: Lightning + (Seaweed OR Swamp)
Dragonvale Dragon Breeding Combinations Pokemon
Breeding Time: 16 hours or 12 hours 48 min (with upgrade)
Type: Lightning, Water